The Shoulda, Coulda, Wouldas

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As human beings we are often programmed to live life in forward retrospect. While time is moving forward your mind keeps going back. I like to call this a case of the shoulda, coulda, wouldas. Often times this is brought on by menial daily things like ‘I shoulda said something to that mom who looked at my daughter a little crooked- she knows nothing about our life.” Or, “I coulda managed that employee differently.” Or, “If I woulda known she was a raging lunatic, I wouldn’t have invited her into my home for girl’s night.” Most of these things can be handled with an extra glass of wine, a more developed managerial plan, or a pass on the girl’s night in favor of staying in and eating takeout in bed.

But, when tragedy strikes the shoulda, coulda wouldas aren’t as easily solved.

You find yourself at a loss for words or even the ability intellectualize what has happened. Your brain is foggy for days or even weeks as you process emotions you didn’t know you were capable of. The shoulda, coulda, wouldas aren’t as concrete now as they were when it came to the mean moms or problem employee. The tragic shoulda, coulda, wouldas can suffocate you. Leave you feeling helpless and sometimes hopeless.

The recent passing of an icon, Kate Spade, had me in shock for days. Though I never met her, our lives were very much paralleled. We both had fashion businesses we built with our husbands. She started her business a few years before I did and I always looked to her as a beacon of hope. If she could do it, maybe I could too? Even though the first handbag factory I met with in Brooklyn rejected me by saying “I only make Kate Spade handbags” I never felt at odds with her- no not even in the slightest. I had this feeling that we were both just two women who believed in ourselves and wanted to live our dreams everyday.

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When the alert came through on my phone about Kate’s suicide it brought me to my knees. I was truly sad, as though I had lost a friend. To be honest, wasn’t Kate everyone’s friend? Even if you didn’t carry her products, there is no doubt the corners of your mouth turn upward when you see her brand. I poured myself into reading all the articles I could about her in an effort to find answers. The shoulda, coulda, wouldas crept into my mind – the illusive questions that we will never know because we are thinking of them in retrospect.

As I read more and more about her, I started to understand our similarities and how creativity, art and design fuels us. But, I also got to thinking about how draining living a creative life can be. You pour your heart into creating something people may or may not like or even worse into things that never come to life. And, in Kate and I’s case we are both under the pressure of running businesses tied to our creativity. The pervasive feeling of having to move on to the next thing to create something bigger and better feels like a hamster wheel of never feeling ‘done’ or ‘brilliant’ enough. It can be lonely and intoxicating all at the same time.

Should we have seen this coming? Could someone have helped? Would the help have made a difference? We will never know.

But what I do know is this. The retrospective shoulda, coulda, wouldas are healthy for a little while, and then they are debilitating. We cannot trap ourselves in the past in hopes of changing it.

We can shoulda, coulda, woulda to learn but not to live.

As my business has changed over the years I have caught myself ‘reminiscing’ in the shoulda, coulda, wouldas more than I should. I have let myself get bogged down with answers I’ll never know about scenarios that will never replay themselves. I’ve learned through a series of both fortunate and unfortunate events that life will keep moving without you. If you allow yourself to stay back with the shoulda, coulda, wouldas the life you eventually go back to has moved on without you. You have to show up everyday. You have to fight the good fight. You have to live with purpose- even when the shoulda, coulda, wouldas invade your psyche.

You SHOULDN’T fall backwards while trying to move forward. Think of what you COULD miss, WOULD you really want that? Because, it’s right here, right now, where we find each other, and with each other we have all we need.

Rest in peace Kate. I hope heaven is as colorful as the legacy you left behind.

XO, Elaine

Hot off the press.

Spring fever is setting in, and in true Elaine fashion I have started my spring cleaning. Nothing is quite as euphoric as throwing something away. Actually that’s not true- I can tell you several things that are more euphoric, but let’s just say tossing junk is in my top 10.

It is around this time of year that I step back and take stock of what really matters. Over time things collect, both in our spaces and in our minds. So, it is incredibly healthy (and satisfying) to de-clutter in all senses- from your noggin to your nooks and crannies.

As the years of spring cleaning have passed, I have realized that my most valued things are not actually things- they are experiences. I have been able to relinquish “stuff” as I have realized that moments are all I need. Moments spent with people, connecting and sharing. So, in honor of dusting off cobwebs, tossing out the old, and relishing in the new  I thought I’d share some connections I have made recently that I have truly enjoyed.



I am a girl boss hear me roar! Click here to read my top 5 leadership lessons that I have crafted after 18 years of entrepreneurship. Don’t worry, there is humor involved. Not all things ‘business’ have to be stuffy- although I do talk about stuffing myself into Spanx and how it taught me a valuable business lesson.




All creatures of habit raise your hand! Click here to read all about how I have created my own sacred space and get a peek inside my home! Now, if only it was socially acceptable for me to put Kim Crawford in a sippy cup and go to bed at 7:30…



Leave a comment below with your spring rituals and/or a recent connection that you loved!

XO, Elaine


Women For Women.


Where would we be without each other?

We all know that our friendships with the most important women in our lives are often our deepest and most profound love stories. As women, we get it. We all have an unspoken understanding of what it means to be a woman – the overwhelming impossibility of it all: our sensitive, vulnerable, breakable hearts, our complicated body and lady parts, our innate drive for perfectionism, our desire to be the best Mother in the world, our unbound, infinite love we have for our children, our dutiful, caretaking spirits… I guess you could say, intimacy begets intimacy and a new found emphasis on female support and friendship isn’t just good for some women; it’s good for all women. With this new awareness around bringing more women in to boardrooms, government and leading Hollywood roles, I am hopeful we are on our way to real, tangible change.

By creating an arguably stronger cultural focus around women; I believe female friendships, mentorships and overall support for one another can multiply. As a result, helping women increase their professional power and fulfill their highest potential could create a ripple affect that subsequently reduces gender inequality.

When women work together, they also succeed together. We all NEED to embrace the Tina Fey/Amy Poehler, Gayle/Oprah love fests! Celebrating female friendships, rather than competition between women will help the next generation of women embrace, rather than resent, the strong women around them. Plus, let’s be honest between juggling all your roles as a woman, it’s just too damn hard to keep up with the competition- so pull up a seat, pour a glass of wine and cheers to the power of being a woman.


xo, E